Saturday, February 11, 2012

Woolly Mammoth in Serbia

So the other day one of those urban legend evidence videos popped up. Slightly notable because it involved a Woolly Mammoth and Serbia. Well, it did involve Serbia. Most news sources have quietly corrected their articles to reflect actual geography. Not this one:

If you're not interested in reading the actual article let me give you the highlights. The title is:

Theories on Woolly Mammoth Caught on Video in Serbia

Super. Now let's get some clarification about the location of said Woolly Mammoth:  

Could it really be the giant elephant-like creature? Probably not, but people have plenty of theories about the footage which was "caught by a government-employed engineer last summer in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug region of Siberia."

Say what?! That Serbian video tape was taken in Siberia? Mind blown. In case you're missing the ridiculousness of this post please refer back to this post that clarifies the locations of both Serbia and Siberia.

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