Sunday, October 2, 2011

Foto Friday: The Sunday Edition

This sign makes me laugh every time. I would like you to know that I've never seen a Serb with a briefcase, much less one that runs across the street to safety. I can also never figure out why they have to depict both a man and a woman, is that so you know that it applies to both genders? Also, is she carrying a briefcase or a purse? Maybe its a girl-sized briefcase...better to run with. 

I saw this on the way to American Corner and it made me reflect on all those old cowboy movies. Did we get it wrong? Were those movies really about the commercialization of the Old West? Glamorizing a shady time for our own entertainment? I don't know graffiti, I just don't know.

I added this photo, taken during dinner with Mike and Pam, in order to commemorate the time we (Mike and Pam not included in this "we") were almost banned from Vapianos. I love this place, the food is delicious and the concept is strange and exciting. I also love that its "impossible for them to make a mistake". I know 13 Americans and a Serb that might disagree with that statement, but none of us would ever say an unkind word about that food.

This one is for my Momma. I saw this man on my way to meet Kyle at McDonald's one day. I would like to point out that he is walking his very large German Shepard on a leash while his cute little teacup Chihuahua brings up the rear. No leash on the tiny one, just a cute collar. The guy would just turn around every few minutes to make sure he was following. They were all so cute. 
So this Foto Friday was a bit on the low end, but I'll make it up to you next Friday...on the actual day.

1 comment:

  1. The first sign should read something like "warning men with mistresses crossing"
