Thursday, December 1, 2011

Legit Tacos

One of my absolute favorite types of food is Mexican. I haven't had the real stuff for going on six months, that could kill a person's soul. Luckily the families here are suffering from the same affliction and they often cook a pretty darn good replica. There are a few Mexican-like places here in Belgrade. But they've all got too much Serbia running through them and they aren't quite as satisfying. So one of the greatest parts about Budapest was going to eat at Arriba and getting pretty close to the real thing. Close enough that you wonder if those were really Hungarians working in the kitchen. Check out my giddy photos:

A little Spanish lingo mixed in with Hungarian on the street side menu.

This is a view of the counter where you ordered and chose your toppings/fillings. The guys behind the counter were tattooed Hungarians that spoke excellent English. Which was a great thing because most of the people in the place where speaking either American or British English.

I've waited six months for this grilled chicken burrito and chips and salsa. Randi was overjoyed at her corn tortillas (they don't have here) and the guacamole...she pretty much licked the bowl. Jen had fish tacos, which seemed to be delicious and everyone else had either a burrito or taco. We were all just so excited.

Julie and Kristen

Pam and Julie posing under the interesting artwork. I almost felt like we were in East LA gang territory with all the angels and things, not Budapest. The atmosphere was just fantastic. Between the ridiculous wall art...some of which was slightly racist (the little Spanish looking girl with a uni-brow and a mustache)...and the little British family sitting close by, it was a surreal experience.

Jen and Wilson
So I could've taken a million other photos, but I was slightly busy and the place was packed. We also looked slightly dumb because Randi taught us the wrong way to sort our trash and the employee had to come re do it. Thats cool though. I feel much better after the food and can make it another six months in foggy Belgrade! (then I'll need an Arriba booster)

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