Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Things I've learned....

about snow.

1. You will always underestimate the depth of the snow and it will more than likely be higher than your boot tops.
2. No snow is more dangerous than piles of snow. I've seen countless people slip and slide on marble that is free of snow and icy streets that have no snow on them.
3. Traffic rules do, for the first time, apply. You always wait for the cross walk because you don't know how far you or oncoming traffic will slide before coming to a stop. Which brings us to number 4.
4. No one moves fast in snow. Walking in snow is like walking in semi wet sand. You couldn't move fast if your life depended on it. If you did you'd end up on your back as people slowly stepped over you.
5. If your bus or tram is late, always walk. You'll be warmer with the movement than you would be pacing at the station and you can probably meet it at the next stop. If they're actually running.
6. Layers are key. With layers, it isn't even that cold. These aren't Mississippi layers either, these are "so hot I'm going to pass out before I get out of the foyer of my apartment" layers. The danger lies in hidden snow that attaches itself to your layers. This is fine outside, as soon as you get anywhere warm it will make its icy presence known as it delves under your layers.
7. While no snow is bad, residual snow in your boot treads is even worse. Always stomp your feet in snow free areas so that you won't be prone to sliding as you walk indoors or across streets.
8. Stilettos are okay as long as they are attached to boots. These boots must reach your knees or higher. When walking down snow covered stairs, you should turn you foot sideways and spear your stiletto into the snow and ice before placing your weight down on the rest of your foot. This will ensure that you don't slide right off the stair.
9. When clearing the snow off your car it is essential to have a hand held brush and dust pan, that way you don't scratch your car when scraping the ice off. Danger: do not ask children under 16 to clear your car. They will scrape the foot or so off of the top down onto the sides. The top of your car will be clear, but there will be four foot walls of snow on either side effectively blocking your doors.
10. If you're going to walk your dog, you should put him in as many sweaters as will fit under his winter water proof coat.

This is just 10 things, just wait. There will be plenty more I'm sure.

1 comment:

  1. YES. I think number four is my favorite. And somehow, I just don't see you wearing stilettos, even if they are okay. :)
