Friday, August 24, 2012

A very August Foto Friday

The corner of my local Chinese Restaurant that may or may not employ an Asian American cook. We're still debating that fact. I can't figure out the deal here. Is this kind of like when you put coins near the Buddha, minus the Buddha?

 It has been quite a while since I've posted a legit Foto Friday (#ff. Eds.). I know you've missed them. So here they are in all their glory: bizarre Serbian moments that I've collected over the last few weeks.

Talk about a 90s throwback. I want this to make a comeback. Forget leg warmers. Forget cracked screens or broken home buttons. These babies were indestructible. If you're looking for some life-size nostalgia, I know a guy that can hook you up. 

The art of recycling: A bike made out of coke cans.

Most people need to be reminded of this throughout the day. Go ahead: smile that goofy smile.

For Ryan and Bubba, both of whom got a kick out of this randomness.

A little bit of irony supplied by the International Fellowship. Is your character missing something?

So, um. Is this a cross dressing cow? Or is it just meant to full you into thinking it's one? Either way, I'm thinking this is a little too bizarre to be featured next to a playground.

You know what we did here? I shot a photo with my ipod touch through Kristina's Gucci glasses. Who needs Instagram?

Hey that's me. And Chuck Norris. I'm just a little excited and short. Such is life.

This reminds me that I need to flash back and tell my story about being removed from the bus. This happened Kristina's last day. Of course we were taking photos while the police removed this screaming, irate woman from the bus because she didn't have a ticket.

My mom would absolutely appreciate both this clever play on words and the font, especially after her recent vacation to Disney World.
Does this remind anyone else of Resident Evil?

One of the better versions of this sign. I would also like to point out the androgynous child. Half of his body would seem to be a girl in a dress, while the other half would seem to be a boy in pants--they're really covering their bases here. I'm not even going to comment on his/her sticker face.

Not Mississippi. Belgrade. Not okay.

1 comment:

  1. Coins in the corner of a new store are there for good luck and success, I have no idea where did the idea come from, but it is what it is, a custom of some sort. As for the cow... it looks like a Frank N. Furter from Rocky Horror Picture Show to me. :)
