Sunday, June 17, 2012

Kristina Week Two: Fotos

Kristina and I cooked delicious food. It's one of the many things we did in week two.
So here we are at the end of week two. I've attempted to evict her and lose her in a foreign country, yet she still remains strong. These are some photos from our last week (minus the ones from Budapest, which will be a separate post).

And for the record: this makes me the better personal assistant.

We found some equal opportunity bathrooms in South Serbia. I had to snap this really fast, because a mom and her friend carried a half-naked baby out of the baby bathroom into the women's bathroom. When we walked in, they were rinsing the baby's butt in the sink. I didn't want to be taking a photo when they came back out -- or if any more half naked babies came out of that door. Awkward.

We had breakfast for dinner at the Israel's. Then we interrupted breakfast for dinner at the Stevens' later that week.

This was the atmosphere for breakfast for dinner night.

A snapshot of the delicious non-breakfast meal. We ate it all.
We attempted to get my visa. After waiting in line for 45 minutes to pay taxes, we saw this gem. The sign details what kind of clothing is inappropriate: Shorts and tank tops, spaghetti strap shirts, shants/capri pants, no shirt/drawstring pants, flip flops...etc.

One afternoon, I heard Kristina shrieking. I ran up front to find her huddled behind the glass balcony door, whimpering about some bird. I looked outside to see this frightened bird that she scared so much it pooped on itself. The bird eventually flew away, but it took Kristina hours to go back out and put her laundry on the racks to dry.

Cole and Lola entertained Kristina with tricks such as basket-hiding and climbing into insane places to spy on her.

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