Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Things we didn't buy at the market

Kristina and I went to the market today to buy lunch things and whatever else we needed. We had a goal: hit 3,000 dinar. If we hit that mark, then we would have earned another coupon. Such a big deal. We actually hit 3, 055. Success.

In the process of achieving this goal, we had to pass by the meat counters. Most stores in Serbia require you to visit the meat counter to get your meat. They don't often have it prepackaged. The butcher makes me nervous, but we ended up mesmerized by the fish options. So there we were, loudly discussing where the fish might have come from and how scary they were. I was also taking photos, without any stealth. Then Kristina mumbles something and bolts. I look up and there is the Serb butcher speaking to me. I'm all like, "just looking". As if, nothing was weird about this whole thing. Then I bolted.

I have very little shame in this country. I did learn, however, that Kristina will abandon me in bizarre pursuits. This was reminiscent of when Randi abandoned me as I was breaking open the cake decorations in order to get a better picture. Story of my life. Check out these photos though.

What is this?! Not okay. It looks like the things on Alien that attacks your face. We're still debating where this thing even came from.

Look at that huge fish. This is insane. I wouldn't even know what to do with that in the water with me, much less my kitchen.

This doesn't quite show how scary that red fish is in the back. I think it had teeth. Those shrimp still have eyes too.

There is a lot going on here. First, all those fish have their heads on. Second, that selection in the top slot of the middle row looks to be the fake seafood you can buy frozen in a bag. Third, did they make those fish sticks or just empty out a bag? Fourth, did they shape those fish sticks? Those are seahorses, stars and assorted other shapes. So either they made them in the back (impressive) or emptied out a bag and charged twice the price (ingenious).

1 comment:

  1. you didn't say anything about how fabulous that sonic ice looks under all those fish. i wonder how weird they would think i am if i go and just ask for a bag of the ice they use.
