Friday, August 5, 2011

Creepin Beograd Part One

 Kristina, this post/subsequent posts for today are dedicated to you. I saw some interesting things in the city today, some of which I didn't capture on film. (I'm disappointed as well!) However, I did manage to find quite a few things that lead me to believe that you were meant to be in this city. Just imagine, if you lived here full time you could stock your cupboards with these chips! You could never buy these back home, probably because some silly goose would see that mascot as offensive.
 AND I found your shoes. Your pants were in the adjacent word on your shirt.
 Do you feel safer with blue stairs? I could hook you up.
 Just look at this artwork you'd be able to take in everyday. The world is a beautiful place and people need outlets and audiences for this beauty...will you keep them from their joy in life?
 If you live by me this building with its space age needle thing will glow on even the gloomiest nights. Reminding you that life/commerce/whatever this is exactly, goes on.
I know some kids that would be happy to put your name on a wall or declarations of love or maybe even some hate graffiti directed at the person of your choice. If all else fails you can just write random words, thats cool too. 

I also found you the perfect place to live. This leftover bomb shelter is right in my courtyard! Its a little messy inside, but the door locks and there is an inner door as well. You'll be totally safe. The kids that play above, around, and all over it will keep you company too.

Look! It even has a picture of you on the side!

Other things I saw, but didn't manage to capture on film:
-A man on a motorcycle, dressed all in leather, looking awesome...with a tiny fluffy dog strapped to his chest.
-A girl in stilettos tripped on the sidewalk and then yelled at the random guy walking past her. Probably an attempt to save face.
-A lady smelling and molesting the prepackaged chicken pieces in Mercator. I probably won't be buying my meat from there.
-A little boy playing hide and seek with his two friends. His attempt to be invisible? Playing dead under a bush. I'm not sure if I should be concerned or impressed. FYI it slightly worked.

I'm going out again in a bit, I'll see what other creepin I can do for you. 

1 comment:

  1. phahahahahhahaha!! First off, let me notify you you that my mom was like "Kristina, Amy put pictures on her blog for you to look at." The thing is...she doesn't have a blog! She goes to mine and looks at the ones that I follow and reads them now. STALKA!! Needless to say, your best and funniest posts were the ones you couldn't capture on film! By far the best ones!!! However, I do think the fallout shelter would be a legit home. Keep up the creepin' on Beograd!
