Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hey Seattle Girls and Pegasus, do you remember....

1. "I couldn't hear the translator, but I did hear Calvinists blah blah Armenians and I decided to be offended."
2. When we discovered the distinction between Protestants, Catholics, Orthodox and Christians.
3. "You should mingle."
4. "Who are you walking with today?"
5. "Are you being missional right now?"
6. "Stop ruining your witness."
7. "Lil John is lurking."
8. Hair Soup
9. Pegasus, Zelena, Tasteful...well you know.
10. "Why isn't anyone here yoked?"
11. Ivan
12. Spoon stealing, cream cheese, bruschette chips
13. "Why does everyone here rub their belly?"
14. SOS, BSB Kevin, Fall Out Boy, Paramore
15. Prison food/eating the same color
16. "Look at my crater."
17. "One day, this will be me."
18. "Use your words."
19. When Sarah when through Pegasus' pants.
20. "You're not my friend anymore."
21. "Same."
22. "She hit me in the unicorn."
23. "I need two birds and a fish."
24. "This is heinous."
25. "Your English is too loud."