Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Visas and Packages. Oh my!

So first things first. Email update #3 went out yesterday evening. If you didn't receive it and you'd like to be put on the list, send me a message.

Number Two: My Visa.

The Visa saga is well documented on this blog, it has in fact, become the stuff of legends. I went across the river today in an attempt to extend for longer than nine days this time around. I was praying that I could accomplish this in a timely manner. i.e. less than two months. Well...I almost did it. I was missing two pieces of paperwork and I have to go back on Friday to turn them in. Hopefully on Friday things will be set and I can get an extended visa that afternoon. I'll keep you updated.

Number Three: The expectation of goodness.

I wasn't really that upset about the lack of visa because I had a package waiting for me at a post office somewhere in New Belgrade. I had lucked out and missed the initial delivery of the package so I was left with this incredibly informative (not) slip telling me how to find it.

 I called the Stevens family and they gave me directions to what they thought was the #2 post office. I should explain that post offices in Serbia are used for far more than just mail. I actually pay bills at one of the eight post offices within a three block radius of me.

I found the alleged #2 down a somewhat creepy alcove, but I will admit the courtyard beyond it was far sketchier. I went inside and was told somewhat rudely that I was at the wrong window. I was at the bill paying window and I needed to be at the post window which was housing two people who were making an effort not to pay attention to me. I went over and showed them my slip and waited to pay the customs fee. Nothing here is automated so the guy was looking through a hand written ledger to find evidence I hadn't forged my slip. No dice. He attempts to tell me something in Serbian after slamming the ledger closed. I, of course, have no idea what he's saying. Thankfully this lady behind me steps up and translates for me.

I was at the wrong post office. She explained I needed to go to the post office that was found at the very last stop of Bus 16. This made it sound sort of mythical and hard to get to which was confirmed when she said in a very hushed voice, "You cannot walk there". She even looked a bit horrified by the concept. I got a few more vague directions and then I thanked them both and headed outside to call Kyle and see if he had any idea where the mythical Bus 16 ended its route. 

Kyle, of course, with the help of his trusty Magic Map (true name, no joke) knew exactly where it was located. Luckily for me he was headed in my direction anyway so I got to catch a ride and he showed me the right window to stand at so I wouldn't get yelled at. And then, after all that, I saw this beauty:

My first box from the States. Well, box is sort of relative. When I got it there were no corners left on it. It almost appeared if it had been rolled across Belgrade. Thats cool though, check out all those stickers. Talk about legit. And then we opened it!

Thats Cole and Lola checkin out all the goodness that fell out of that slightly rounded box. We were totally excited, although I'll admit they were more excited about the box.

So after I played with my box for a little while, I went to the Stevens' house for dinner. Dinner at the Stevens' is always fantastic. I got to be the guinea pig for Jen's new Chicken Cacciatore recipe. My life is just that great. (Side note: blogger wanted to auto correct Cacciatore to Coimbatore, which is a city in Southwest India. You learn something new every day.) AND then we watched shark month. Obviously an intense end to the night.

So let's recap this Wednesday.

Bad Things: No Visa.

Good Things: Package from my lovely mother.
                       Jen's culinary skills.
                       Shark month.

Absolutely a winning Wednesday.

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