Friday, November 4, 2011

Miscellaneous Foto Friday

 This is what the office refrigerator does to Coke Zero. Hater.

 What do you see when you look at this tray liner from the Asian food place? I've been told there are two options. 

 Cole's new favorite place to sleep since he's been banned from the counter top.

 Lola and her princess castle. 

 This is an oddly googly eyed Nemo. 

 These two photos came from a shopping trip with Randi. I wanted her to help me open the box so I could get a better look, but she practically ran down the aisle to distance herself from my delinquent ways. You can tell she's a rule follower. These are Ninja Turtles and Friends made out of icing. You can buy the set and decorate baked goods to your hearts desire. I actually would've spent the fifteen dollars in order to own this baby, but alas, Master Splinter was damaged. I think it might've been Shredder's fault. Who decided to place those two next to each other anyway?!

This is the Milka cow...supplier of the world's most amazing chocolate bar: the Choco Swing.

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