Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Thankfulness #2

On this day that the Lord has made I find myself overwhelmingly thankful for the family I left behind in Mississippi. It was almost a year ago to the day that I found out that I would be spending the next few years in Serbia. They were nothing but supportive and continue to be. Without their nonsense, love and support I would be unable to fulfill my call. I am thankful everyday, even the aggravating ones, that God blessed me with such a family.

This was taken on my birthday at the zoo this past year.

Lily Annie Panties: I am so thankful for the joy you bring to every aspect of life. There is never a dull moment with you and I love being able to just embrace the nonsense with you. Whenever things get too serious I just imagine your goofy laugh and all those raw eggs you hid around the house because you just knew they were going to hatch into real birds.

To Bubbles: Thank you for turning into a fairly cool kid. I was worried. Thank you for making work fun and for being more than just a little brother, but also a friend. I'm so glad I have your dumb self in my life. Thank you for the dumbness and the support. You have shown me that little/big brothers can be pretty awesome...sometimes.                                                     Richard Francis: Thank you for being the total boy, the boyscout and the one that is always ready to save me from something gross. You're so smart and talented and so much fun to be around. You can take me camping and teach me how to make hobo food when I get back. Thank you for being the outdoors example and showing me that you can have off the wall hobbies and thats absolutely okay. The woods no longer make me nervous because I have a boyscout to depend on.

To my lovely rekindling parents: Thank you for everything. I'm not sure I can ever say it enough or too often. Without you guys I wouldn't be who I am, nor would I be in Serbia. I could dedicate entire volumes to the things you've done but I want to especially thank my daddy for always taking care of me when I was sick and otherwise. And my momma for sharing my obsessions with zombies and Chinese food.

Helen Smellin: You are so awesome. I love that you can be so girly and yet beat all the boys at robot camp. You are what I want to be when I grow up. Thank you for showing me that you can be a girl and be smart and not feel the least bit bad.     Lucy Goosey: I won't ever forget watching you dance around to Selena Gomez when you though no one was watching. Thank you for showing me that I can be whatever I want to be and still be awesome. Merdis Bears: You are the baby and you tell everyone proudly. I love that you have the confidence to dictate the entire family's favorite color and to demand that others respect when you are angry and don't feel like participating. Thank you for letting me know that sometimes its okay for the world to revolve around me.

To Jo Bo: You are way more than just a pile of hair. Although it was hard to understand that when it was all on your head. You're growing into such an awesome Godly guy that I can't even believe it. Thank you for teaching me that not every thought needs to be voiced and that sometimes the most insightful things are those left unsaid or said under your breath. You are unexpectedly hilarious in the most ridiculous of instances and I can't wait to see what you have in store for the next few years.

Oh Beverly, what can I even say. One time you pooped in my hair, another I made you dress as Rudolph and play second fiddle to my Santa Claus. You are at times the most infuriating person and others the most amazing. The problem is that you're my sister and we just know what to say to drive each other insane. Thank you for letting me know that forgiveness leads to laughter and that everyone underestimates sisters...and pays the price later.
So on this thankful Sunday I praise God for the gift he gave me in each one of you. He knows our hearts and needs and He knew that I would need every single one of you. I love you guys.

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